Al-Ameed Journal for Medical Research and Health Sciences (AJMRHS) (ISSN: 3005-3188) is an international, scientific, online, and peer-reviewed and semiannual journal. Also, AJMRHS’s content is freely available without any fees required for article publishing charges (APCs) to the author or his/her institution. Authors are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, with or without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. AJMRHS established by the University of Al-Ameed in 2022 with a focus on publishing articles related to all branches of medicine and health sciences.
Recent Content
Evaluation of Candida albicans Diagnosis by Conventional Methods via Employing a PCR-Based Test
Rawaa Yousif Sadkhan and Samara Mowafaq Ali
Preformulation Study of Kigelia africana Fruit Ethanolic Extract as Topical Preparations
Tareq Maqlam, Abdullah H Maad, Mohammed E Shayoub, and Zuheir Osman
Serological study of prevalence toxoplasmosis in different animals in Basra Province, Iraq
Sarah Kamal Naser
Review exploring Sperm Morphological: World Health Organization vs. Kruger Strict Criteria
Talal Z. Al-Darawsha
Evaluating the Effect of Chemotherapy Notch1 Gene Expression in Patients with Prostate Cancer
Mustafa S. Khudhur and Ali Adil Majeed
Evaluation of Serum Levels of Interleukin-18, and C-Reactive Protein in Iraqi patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
Ali Hussein Jabbar and Dhifaf Zeki Aziz
Study impact smoking on Sperm Morphology and DNA fragmentation in Iraqi male fertility
Talal Z. Al-Darawsha, Mohammed H. Shaban, and Ali H. Jawad
Giardiasis: A review study in Iraq
Sarah Kamal Naser
Evaluation of Copeptin as a novel marker for predicting the prognosis of fatty liver disease and its complications in obesity
Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi, Ameer Nazim Kamel, Bashir Ghafel Hwan, Alwan Karem Alwan, and Muhammad hamed Jasim
Study a relationship between age, body mass index, and sperm parameters with sperm DNA fragmentation levels in Iraqi infertile patients
Talal Z. Al-Darawsha, Nurten Dayioglu, Bushra R. Al-Azzawi, and Tulay Irez
Genetically Caused Oral Disorders: Pathogenesis and Treatment: A review
Ali Alsuraifi, Abdullah Ayad, Yousif Husam, Noor Alhuda R. Mohammed, Fatimah H. Mahdi, Jassem Mohammed, Zainab M. Sulaiman, and Sarah Kareem
Testosterone Hormone ; Clinical Indications, Dysregulation and Therapeutic methods
Talal Z. Al-Darawsha
Perceptions of Nursing Students about COVID-19 Transmission: A Multi University Study
Adraa H. Shawq, Aqdas D Salman, Sadeq AH Al-fayyadh, and Eqbal G. Ali
New Corona virus provokes peripheral gangrene in lower limb of type-1 diabetic patient: A case report
Hussein A. Ghanimi and Diaa K. Abd Ali
Advances in Drug Delivery Systems: A Mini-Review
Lina M. Shaker, Ahmed A. Al-Amiery, and Abdul Amir H. Kadhum
Future Challenges for Nursing: An Overview
Ahmed Lateef Alkhaqani
The effect of 980 nm diode laser in relieving the periodontal pocket symptoms: a clinical study
Hareth A. Alrikabi and Lamyaa A. saeed